Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Babymoon: complete with Beignets and Parades

mark and i have had a busy month, with the definite highlight being the long weekend we spent in the BIG EASY.  it was a little extra b-day celebrating for me, plus a nice last adult getaway before our little arrives.  

upon arrival in new orleans, we were pleased to learn it was Mardi Gras time.  confused, but pleased.  the confusion was due to me looking up when Mardi Gras (the specific day was to ensure we skipped that craziness) but not realizing that the city celebrates the Mardi Gras season for weeks before the specific day.  which meant that we got to watch lots of parades, and catch lots of beads.  contrary to popular belief, they just throw the beads in the parade, no flashing required.  what happens on bourbon street in the wee hours of the night is still a mystery as this preggo and hubby were in bed by then.  our favorite parade was the dog parade, or barkus.  unfortunately for the little pups, it poured a few times throughout the parade.  
NOLA is a good place to be when pregnant from a food perspective, and indulging in the local cuisine was a definite part of the trip.  some favorites were the fried chicken dinner (andrea) at little gem, this cool jazz club where we caught a dinner show, shrimp and grits at cafe amelie (mark), charbroiled oysters from acme oyster house (both).  seriously the food was so good, i am salivating as i reminisce.  

we had a cruiser bike tour of the city scheduled, which started out great.  our guide was a native new orlinean (sp?) and had great knowledge of the cities salacious history with great delivery.  the tour was cut short due to severe down pouring, but we did get to see/learn some before getting caught in this building, in a local cemetery.  luckily the rain let up and we were able to ride back to the bike shop, were not asked to pay and received some great restaurant recommendations before heading on our way.  all in all it was a wonderful weekend, and i think we both wished we had a little longer to escape the daily grind.  I'll wrap it up with a few more photos from our trip (also please excuse my insane expressions in the photos, i was apparently determined to not take a decent photo the entire trip). 

view of the superdome from our hotel

i wasn't in pain, i promise
commander's palace, garden district
beignets and cafe' au lait (decaf)

along the mighty mississippi
Marie Laveau's Grave

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