Sunday, February 9, 2014

20 Weeks- Halfway There!

it is almost impossible to believe that we are past the halfway point (as I am again slow to post, but i was 20 weeks in the photo! we just hit 22 weeks today) has been an exciting few weeks.  we had our 'anatomy ultrasound' and got to see the little one moving around, always my favorite.  it was also comforting to hear that all the organs are as expected and we are still measuring right on track with our expected due date.

how far along: 20 weeks
gender: GIRL!
size of baby: a banana
size of mom: +7 pounds and transitioning to loving leggings
best of the week: getting to see her ( and confirming she is still a she)... i may be that freak who wants to have an at home ultrasound machine
worst of the week:  a broken washing machine.  thanks to heather for letting me get my stuff clean while we waited for the part.  washers don't break when your clothes is clean.  also a huge thanks to the hubby who got us all up and running as soon as the part arrived.
belly button: still in... holding on for a short while i think
cravings: anything sweet.  mark brought home girl scout cookies this week, their lemon ones, 'savannah smiles' for anyone looking for recommendations have been a favorite, and new to me this year.  they might be giving samosas a run for their money in favorite girl scout cookie spot.

as i mentioned, we had our 20 week appointment where we found out our doctor is pregnant, with twins, and will be 36 weeks when we are due.  eek.  we are meeting another doctor in the practice as a backup plan since my doc may or may not still be at work (and able for c-section) at that point.  it also put us at ease to know that everything looks good from a developmental perspective.  here are a few of our favorites from her little photo shoot:

heartbeat 158, nice and strong

love her little lips

she loves flashing her long legs

maybe the funniest of the session, she is either 1: jamming to music or 2: screaming like she is in a horror movie

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