Wednesday, March 26, 2014

27 Weeks

so i realize it's been a little while since there was a proper bumpdate, but needless to say, the bump has definitely grown.  let's get to the good stuff:

how far: 27 weeks and less than 3 months.  eeks!  time has sure gone fast

gender: still a girl, although not apparently according to how i am carrying.  i have had multiple women at work argue that it must be a boy, that would sure be a shock at this point.

size of mom: +15 lbs and out of room for her stomach

belly button: out-ish, it is right on the cusp, some days a little more out than others, we are on thin ice for the full inversion to occur.  also it is time to mention that this stat has caused me massive anxiety for the last 8 weeks, i was truly unhappy about the fact that my belly button was going to pop out like a turkey timer.

best of the week: there are a lot of good ones over the past few weeks, having my aunt vicki and dale in town was really a great time.  of the technical last week, i would have to say a sunday afternoon date with the hubby, including a 4 mile bike ride to joyride taco shop, a nice leisurely and delicious lunch (complete with a $5 happy hour pitcher of beer for him) and the ride home to settle the tummy.  plus the fact that i can still ride 8 miles.

worst of the week: having to work on saturday.  bad timing for the office to be extremely busy at the time energy is starting to wane.

we also started work on the nursery the last few weeks.  first step was cleaning it out.  it is amazing what gets stored in a room that you really didn't need.  we also got all the painting done, ironically we changed it from the existing butter yellow color (probably perfectly suited for a nursery) to a greige color.  the closet doors also got replaced, removing the gold trimmed mirrored doors with the white trimmed mirror doors from our master (we are then adding some nice closet doors in the master, exact style tbd). carpet has been selected and is being ordered this week.  i also finally ordered the rest of the nursery furniture so we should have a close to finished project within a few weeks time.

i think the 'nesting' bug has hit both mark and i, so as we wait for our carpet install to keep moving on the nursery, we have also started to upgrade the spare bathroom.  before and after pictures to come.

week 28 is an exciting one (since we are halfway through at this point)... with the dreaded oral glucose test at this weeks appointment.  on a positive note, we do get our last scheduled ultrasound and look at the little before she is born.


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