Sunday, January 26, 2014

19 Weeks (a little late)

so the thing about pregnancy is, there is a lot of to do's... which means even the best of intentions leads to a slow blog post.  last week, we were 19 weeks pregnant, and wrapping up the 4th month of pregnancy, man how the time has flown.

size of baby: depending on which website you check, you there are a     variety of fruits/vegetables to compare the baby too, but i thought a mango was the best fit (and also matched this weeks color scheme)

size of mom: up 7 pounds mostly in the belly, and mostly in maternity bottoms as the normal pants (save for a few holdouts) are just no longer comfortable.

best of the week: starting the feel the baby move, which is very light and fits the "flutters" books/blogs will reference and felt mostly when i am trying to sleep.

worst of the week: heartburn has made an introduction into the stukel home.  it's manageable as long as mom remembers to eat small meals in the evening when it seems the worst.

sleep quality: pretty good, thanks to my handy dandy pregnancy pillow. this thing is awesome, and i strongly recommend it stat for any one who is or knows an expectant momma who is struggling to get comfortable.

week 19 started with a great hike for mom/baby with our friend kim, which mark was out mountain biking with some friends getting ready for his race.

as an update, mark and a team of friends signed up for a 24 hour mountain bike race in the middle of the desert.  more info here:
he has been loving getting out on his bike, almost to the point of new obsession so i have been trying to take advantage of that time to get some hiking in before my belly is too big and i lose confidence in my balance.

we decided to hike picacho peak , which was one of the most fun hikes i have done to date in AZ.  although only a 2.1 mile hike (well then the 2.1 back to the car) it is a pretty step assent to the summit, with lots of cable assists on the step parts.

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