Saturday, June 7, 2014

Welcome Everly Rose

May 30th will forever be stamped in our hearts as a special day and were so happy to welcome Everly Rose into the world.  i had just given up on the fact that she may come early (or in may, at the beginning of may i was certain we would never make it to june.)  and was starting to wrap my head around a june 9th birthday.  it was a friday morning and mark woke me up for my morning coffee (decaf) and smoothie which was an end of pregnancy routine.  i went to use the bathroom, and was surprised when my water broke.  we already had hospital bags packed up, grabbed a few extra items and headed to the hospital.

at the hospital we remembered to pause and the the picture to the left, my very last pregnancy photo (37 weeks and 6 days pregnant).  we headed in to get all checked in and taken up to the labor and delivery triage.  apparently we were popular guests the 2 other times we were there since we had nurses recognize us (one even by marks laugh) and come say hi.  they confirmed my water had officially broke (i was certain on this fact) and started to prep us for surgery.  we met the doctor who was on call and felt really comfortable with her.  the next hour waiting for the OR to open up seemed like an eternity, i was just ready to meet out little girl.

our last photo as a family of 2
once we were all gowned up, we headed back to the OR.  mark had to wait outside while they brought me back and drugged me up.  i have to admit i was a little nervous about the spinal vs general anesthesia.  general anesthesia is fine for me, no fears, the spinal was new.  as anticipated, not feeling from your armpits down is weird, like really really weird.  i did pretty well, except for the few minutes i was extremely nauseous.  that mixed which the lack of movement was a little scary.  luckily a little chat with the anesthesiologist plus some zofran and we were back to smooth sailing in minutes.  they put up the drape and then mark was able to come back.  the surgery itself was pretty short, i was a little jealous as i couldn't see anything.  mark did pop his head over the drapes to see her being born.  at 09:59 she made her arrival into the world.  the took her back to get the once over (well more than that i am sure).  mark got to take some great photos of that, which was nice to see as i was still trapped to the bed (and technically cut side open).  once he cut the cord, they brought her over to me and we got our first snuggles in.  mark and everly headed to recovery while mom got all stitched up but i was able to join them pretty quickly.  here are a few more photos of that first few hours.

7 lb 5 oz, 20.5 inches long

first moments with mom

our first family photo

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