Friday, June 13, 2014

First Adventure

Since bringing Everly home, it has been quite the adjustment to our scheduled around here.  This week we decided to incorporate one of our favorite family activities to little Everly's schedule, a dog walk.  We broke out the Boba wrap for the first time, which i was happy to see she was very content in, stapped on a sun hat to round out the 100% of her new little skin being covered and off we went.  Since it is unbelievably hot these days, we had to venture out early.

our second walk was met with even more adventure, as a little bit down the green belt we ran into a fellow dog walker who had found a turtle at the softball field of the park, and way to far away from water.  being a good samaritan, he was taking him back to the lake, so he didn't roast in the heat of the day.  turns out the turtle had a pretty large fishing hook stuck in his mouth.  that's where mark and i came in, and joined the turtle rescue party.  we walked back home, and then mark went to work.  turtle saved and returned to the lake.  dog walk ruined. 

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