Saturday, December 7, 2013

12 Weeks

it's hard to believe we are at 12 weeks and almost the end of the first trimester.  luckily for me it has been much more pleasant than many of my friends, a few days with nausea and lots and lots of naps.

size of baby: a lime, or in other more technical terms 6.75 cm at 12 wk 6 days.  also it looks like it is in the 62.5% percentile

weight gain: 1.9 lb, pretty good so far, with a bump that is starting to show, new bump photo for next week

gender: confirmed at 20 weeks, but they gave us a best guess at our appointment, looks like little baby stukel will be a girl!!!

cravings: anything spicy

aversions: nothing specific yet but mostly based on smell

best moment of the week: getting to see our little one on ultrasound, moving and kicking, and looking like an actual baby

worst of the week: the drive home at midnight from the airport wednesday after and in/out business trip to San Fransisco, sooo tired

check out those long legs, taking after dad on that trait for sure and 5 little fingers as well....

4D image was pretty neat, it was mostly awesome to watch her move, she was a little shy here

and my favorite image, grabbing her little foot, i think she is practicing her dance moves ;)


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