Thursday, November 28, 2013


This Thanksgiving Mark and I have a lot to be grateful for, our loving families, our great friends, our sweet sweet little pups, but most notably, our new addition to be.  That's right a little baby Stukel is on the way and we are sooo excited! Our due date is June 14th, 2014 which seems so very far away at this point.  Although, I am certain the next 6-ish months will fly by!

 How Far Along: 10 weeks (in the photo) , 11 weeks (in real life)
Gender: TBD, but we plan to find out as soon as we can
Size of Baby: a fig 
Size of Mom: i've gained just a pound by my belly shape is  definitely  changing, making the pants feel snug

Here's a few pictures of the little one from our 6 week ultrasound.  Although, to me it looks like a spot, luckily the nice technician labeled which spot is the baby.  We have our next ultrasound next friday (counting down the days) and should get a better look at the little one.


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