Saturday, December 6, 2014

6 Months

Well the little turned 6 months last week, which was commemorated with her favorite, Shots!  Ok not really... but here are the new numbers:

Height: 26.5"
Weight: 14 lb 1 oz
Head Circumference: 41.5 cm
Onsie Size: 6 months, although we had to move up to 9 months in anything footed
Favorite Toys: Activity Station
                        Rain Maker
                        Soft Books
                        Butterfly is still a favorite
                        Ripping paper, whatever catalog mom is looking at

We've also started introducing solid foods, and our little girl loves to eat.  That shouldn't be a suprise as she demands big bottles too.  Her current favorites are Butternut Squash and Peas.  Turns out apples and pears are not her favorite but we will keep trying.

She continues to be vocal and likes to babble with anyone who will listen and often to herself.

Mom and Dad are also enjoying the last few weeks of a stationary baby.  She has been rolling for a few months, but a single roll.  She is now inchworming and may or may not be on her playmat if you turn your back... sitting and crawling are coming soon, we can feel it.

Speaking of soon, teeth are on the horizon, or at least as best we can tell by the waterfall of drool she produces and desire to chew on everything, mostly fingers, yours, hers, she's not picky.

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