Saturday, October 18, 2014

4 Months! (and 3 months too)

4 months by the numbers:

weight: 11 lbs 13 oz
height: 25.5 "
head circumference: 40cm
onsie Size: too tall for 0-3 months, too skinny for 3-6 months
diaper size: 1

another month has flown by and we again shocked at what a different baby we have.  In months three and four there have been a lot of changes in the stukel home, mainly mom going back to work and everly starting school. the transition has gone really well, with a baby who likes school.  moms favorite part is the cute little art projects that come home (they mostly involve the teachers running everly's hand through paint).  she also really like sensory play, which involves sticking her hands in jello.  looks like we have a mess lover on our hands.

we started going back to musicology after mom won some free classes in a facebook giveaway.  awesome!  ps musicology is the most fun, we will take some pictures one day soon if mom can stop playing long enough.

everly now rolls over both directions consistently.  the other day she rolled to her tummy mid nap and woke up screaming... he still doesn't love tummy time.  she loves her rainmaker toy, raspberries on her belly, putting anything she can grab into her mouth.  her infamous butterfly is still the toy of choice (thanks mamas and papas... this toy is like baby crack).

she is showing her little personality more and more, and is a laid back silly little girl.  we love when she laughs this cute hearty laugh, although we still are trying to figure out what she thinks is so funny.

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