Sunday, August 3, 2014

2 months!

look at that, little miss everly turned two month's old on wednesday!  she is already changing and growing so much it is amazing to see how she is not out squishy sleepy little newborn anymore but likes to spend more time awake and alert during the day.  she is also a tummy time master, well for the first 5-7 minutes then she lets us know she is o-v-e-r it.  we saw the pediatrician on wednesday to celebrate with 3 shots and an oral med.  yay! ok, we promised her birthdays get more fun.  the bandaids were at least cute.

Height: 23 inches (75%)
Weight: 9 lb 15 oz (between 10 and 25%)
Head Circumference: 50%

Summary: tall and skinny with an average head, just like at birth.

favorites: blowing bubbles, baby talk, head-shoulders-knees and toes song. dad says dad is her favorite thing. oh and poop-free diapers.  other babies. her mom-a-roo.

she loves listening to music, metallica is her favorite band (dad's influence again).  don't worry it is the baby version. we also go to musicology every tuesday where mom gets to learn new fun songs to sing and everly gets to hang out with her friends.

we also go to a mom's group for breastfeeding moms on fridays where she has more friends and we are starting to schedule some play dates with some of her favorites.  i think at this point play dates are moms taking pictures of two babies on the same blanket but it will be fun.

she is getting close to holding her head up all the time, but definitely has control for periods of time.  she can roll to her side and managed to flip herself from tummy to back once.  it was a fluke but she wants to move.  her little legs are always in the crawl motion when she is on her belly, she just doesn't know to push on the ground.

she is also smiling in response to mom and dad which is our favorite thing.  she has also become a lot more vocal making the cutest little baby talk and mimicking the noises we make to her.  we are looking forward to the last month of mom at home and our first plane adventure next month.

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