Tuesday, July 1, 2014

One Month!

 i can't believe our little girl is already one month old (well yesterday, which i managed to get the pictures taken on).  it feels like we just brought her home yesterday.  it is amazing how much she has grown and changed in this first month... i keep telling her it is ok to slow down on the growing up.

onesie size: squeezing into newborn, swimming in 0-3 month

weight: 8 pounds 6 ounces

sleep: up to 6 hours stretches at night, and to one feeding a night

favorites: sleeping on mom/dad, play gym, boba wrap, walks in the stroller, car rides.  she is flirting with the mamaRoo but has no interest in the other bouncers (yet?)

milestones: she is definitely more alert and spending more and more time awake each day.  she is tracking objects with her eyes and seems to engage more in play time.  we are working on developing a schedule at home with week and will begin the transition from the sleeper in our room to her nursery this coming month.... wish mom and dad luck! oh and she rolls from her back to side easily.  tummy time is so far being well tolerated and we can see great progress in her head control.

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