Thursday, April 24, 2014

Hop Hop Hop...32 weeks

how far along:32 weeks, which is a major milestone as we can finally deliver at our planned hospital with our own doctors. 

size of mom: + 20 lbs, but started to retain water at the end of the week :( goodbye calfs, hello Flintstone feet

size of baby: babies estimated weight is 3.75 lbs, she is getting big 

belly button: out.. all the time

cravings: strawberries, milkshakes, brownies, spicy food, cereal

best of the week: an awesome baby shower (post on that to come)

worst of the week: the bloating and heartburn that have come on strong.  new rule of the house is no food after 8 pm, or i will pay for it come bedtime. 

bedrest activity summary
completed 2 books this week (5 total since this started).  watched way too many episodes of terrible tv, this weeks favorite is teen mom.  i figure it's getting me ready for parenting, just do the opposite of what they do!  i also did a fair share of shredding old paperwork, working from home, and prepping for baby, which basically means internet shopping.  I did score an awesome deal on the kiinde bottle warmer from zulilly, and ordered a breast pump through our insurance company, thanks affordable care act!

as it was easter weekend, Bob and Chris, came out for a nice although mellow visit.  we had a great time laying low, and luckily the arizona spring weather cooperated.  i do want to point out that i was extra lucky at dice, i think the baby is competitive.  

in other news this week, the pups got a little extra focus.  pebbles had a grooming appointment, where a stir crazy mom had a pink streak added to her hair... oops.  both pups visited the vet this week for their annual appointment as well.  we are trying to focus on completing some of those tasks before most all of our attention is on the little one.  

we also had to say goodbye to a special friend this week.  Flat Stanley came to visit us from Christopher's school and we have had a great time hanging out with him while he was here.  Hopefully he will have a good time sharing all the AZ fun we had when get gets back to the classroom.  

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