Thursday, November 28, 2013


This Thanksgiving Mark and I have a lot to be grateful for, our loving families, our great friends, our sweet sweet little pups, but most notably, our new addition to be.  That's right a little baby Stukel is on the way and we are sooo excited! Our due date is June 14th, 2014 which seems so very far away at this point.  Although, I am certain the next 6-ish months will fly by!

 How Far Along: 10 weeks (in the photo) , 11 weeks (in real life)
Gender: TBD, but we plan to find out as soon as we can
Size of Baby: a fig 
Size of Mom: i've gained just a pound by my belly shape is  definitely  changing, making the pants feel snug

Here's a few pictures of the little one from our 6 week ultrasound.  Although, to me it looks like a spot, luckily the nice technician labeled which spot is the baby.  We have our next ultrasound next friday (counting down the days) and should get a better look at the little one.


Sunday, November 10, 2013

a rose by any other name...

what is in a name?  i think there was a famous poet who pondered this, and after the daunting task of naming a blog, i would respond with a lot.  in fact, i think i had less deliberation naming pebbles.  so in thinking of where to start blogging, explaining the name and therefore the content theme for the blog seemed like a logical beginning.

quite simply, 'you are the best thing' was mark and i's first dance song.  seemed like a great place to start.  oh, and i actually feel like meeting him is the best thing that happened to me.

to take it a step further if  you google the best thing, you come up with all sorts of stuff that is interesting  to me,  including the lyrics to the above referenced song, the link the to best thing i ever ate on food network (of which i have had a few featured items and they are spot on), and on and on.

in the spirit of the ever popular saying, the best things in life are free, this blog will provide a peek into our adventures, love, family and friendships.
